
Molly's First Easter...My First "Alone" Day

Yesterday was Easter! The Easter Bunny made a quick stop at our house and "pooped" jelly beans all over the house! (this is our family tradition) The boys eventually found all the poop. It was a cold and snowy day here at our house. We had a good 3 inches of yucky wet snow out on the driveway this morning. It was also the first day since Molly was born that I was 100% on my own. Sam is out of the country on a "business" trip. His mom was here last week to help me out but she flew out early Sunday morning (6 am) and so I was solely responsible for getting everyone up, dressed, and to church. The stars must have all been aligned because Molly woke up at 7:30 for her morning feeding. That meant I was able to start functioning at a reasonable time. I couldn't believe that I was able to get everyone ready for church on time. We had our Easter poop hunt, opened our baskets, took pictures....and I even showered for church! Amazing! However, later that afternoon I was feeling super tired so I layed down for a "short" nap. I slept through Easter dinner! I always like to fix a nice dinner on Sundays and we usually have friends or family over to eat as well. This Sunday I had planned something for just the boys and I and I slept right through dinner. So the boys had cold cereal for Easter dinner! Oh Well.


Jenn said...

Wow! Good for you doing all that on your own. And you even took pictures?! Wow, I didn't even do that. And my husband was here. :)

Carrie and Spencer said...

Impressive..... You really are the best mom!! love you dear!!!

Holly said...

Easter cereal sounds perfect. You ARE a great mom! I can't get over how gorgeous Molly is!

The Cluff Family said...

I remember the first day after my mom left after Genna was born. It was scary, but I made it through. I'm sure your older boys are very helpful (well, I hope they are!)

Twinlinebackers said...

My raved about how gorgeous Molly is. She's right. What a pretty baby. Congratulations!!!!