Has fall really arrived? The beginning of soccer usually means the beginning of fall and last year it meant the beginning of winter as we had 3 games cancelled because of snow. I can't hardly believe it. I'm not ready for snow again. I've loved summer here in Colorado! No snow! Maybe we'll have a mild winter this year. Of course, my first winter in CO was the worst in many, many years.
This year my baby...Ryan started soccer! I can't believe it. He's a little more athletically inclined then Ethan and so he was super ready to play soccer. He's been trying on his uniform for weeks. The big day finally arrived and he was ready. It was hilarious to watch a 3 year old play soccer. He spent most of the time chasing his shoelaces and chewing on the string to his shorts. If the coach gave him a chance to kick the ball then he stayed in there at least until the other kids took the ball away. He's playing with kids that are 4 going on 5 because I wanted him to play on the same team as his friend from church, Jackson. Jackson missed the first game but we're excited to have everyone next week.
Ethan is getting better and better every year. I count it as a good game when Ethan doesn't cry and he stays on the field the entire time the coach expects. :-) We discovered last year that Ethan has poor muscle endurance and so he gets tired much quicker then other kids his age. He was in physical therapy for almost a year but graduated. Now we just try and keep him active. Honestly, I think he'd be better suited behind a piano because he is very musically inclined. Or maybe a stand-up comic microphone. Hmmm.....